You'll Never Believe How These Legendary Actors Got Discovered

Wouldn't it be nice if someone just walked up to you on the street, offered you an acting job, and suddenly you were set for life? Based on the characters on this list, it might not be as unlikely as you'd think...

Hulk Hogan

Hogan was a great pitcher as a kid—so great that he attracted scouts for the New York Yankees and the Cincinnati Reds when he was just playing in Little League. However, an arm injury capped his career before he reached adulthood. 

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The More You Know

  • Soon after moving to New York City, Madonna worked at a Dunkin' Donuts. She was fired after one week for messing with the jelly machine.
  • As a child, Johnny Depp was allergic to chocolate.
  • Dr. Ruth Westheimer is best known as a TV sex therapist—but she’s also a trained sniper.
  • Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks!
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.