Recognizing These Natural Disaster Warning Signs Will Save Your Life

Even if there is no additional rain, when rivers get stressed from overfilling, sometimes the river’s bed can collapse and pour water downhill. Just so you know, this is a genuinely dangerous problem that people die from/lose property to every year.

Yellow Snow

You should know by now, but yellow snow generally means that there is something in the snow that’s causing it to turn yellow. Do you have any idea what could be turning the snow yellow? A good guess would be an animal’s waste, whether it’s human or otherwise, and that’s never pleasant.

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The More You Know

  • Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.
  • The longest tennis rally lasted over 12 hours.
  • Only ¼ of the Sahara Desert is sandy.
  • T-shirts were originally made for unmarried men who didn't know how to sew buttons on collared shirts.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.