Recognizing These Natural Disaster Warning Signs Will Save Your Life

Frogs Croaking Excessively

Frogs are some unique and strange creatures, and they are one of the only species that exists on every continent on the planet! In order to alert their other frog buddies that there is inclement weather approaching, frogs will croak significantly more as higher pressure systems creep closer to their location. This was something developed over time because all frogs lay their eggs in water, and sometimes they can get washed away by storms, so frogs alert their fellow amphibians to protect their precious future tadpoles and to preserve their species’ lineage.  

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The More You Know

  • Following the release of Rocky IV, a joke was making rounds in Hollywood. Since Rocky had run out of opponents, he would have to fight an alien if a fifth movie was made. Jim and John Thomas took the joke seriously and wrote a screenplay based on it, which later became the movie "Predator".
  • If you ate nothing but rabbit meat, you would die from protein poisoning.
  • The magnetic North Pole is moving.
  • The stars and flashes of light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes."
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.