Genius Parenting Hacks That Make Life With Kids So Much Easier

Tap Shoes

Do you have a child who loves to dance? Stimulate their creativity with this easy (and less than a dollar!) crafting hack. Glue pennies to the bottom of their shoes so that they can enjoy the glories of tap dance without shelling out the major dough. You might get a headache from all the incessant tapping, but the smile on their faces will make the whole experience worth it. 

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The More You Know

  • Throw a few ice cubes or a wet washcloth in the dryer with your wrinkled clothes. As the ice melts and the water turns to steam, it will remove the wrinkles. This trick isn’t as effective with heavier clothing but is a miracle for lighter fabrics.
  • This hint will save you from wasting wrapping paper each time you bring it out of storage. Rather than sticking a piece of tape along the loose edge, cut an empty toilet paper tube lengthwise and wrap it around a roll of wrapping paper. Cinch it up and secure the sleeve with a piece of tape.
  • Help keep your home office space organized by using PVC pipe to hide cords. Just wrangle all those computer, mouse, monitor and phone cords and hide them in some PVC pipe.
  • Instead of hanging unsightly fly paper, take a cup, fill it with an inch of red wine vinegar, seal the top with plastic wrap, and poke a few small holes in it with a pen. The flies will be attracted to the scent of the vinegar, but won't be able to get out.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.