One Mistake Means Certain Death: These Fearless Athletes All Have One Thing in Common, and It Might Not Be What You Think

The Great Fall

When Danny Way reached the gap, his skateboard flew out from under him and caused him to flip, luckily he did not fly off of the ramp. When he slid to the bottom, he tried to stand up but couldn’t. Danny Way broke his ankle and gashed his arm so deeply that he needed 40 stitches to hold his arm together.

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The More You Know

  • A reservoir in space holds 140 trillion times the amount of water in Earth's oceans.
  • The United States defense budget of $698 billion is more than the next seventeen nations combined.
  • More people visit France than any other country.
  • The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because "there was no suitable living candidate." This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.