Mind-blowing Facts That Literally Nobody Has Heard Before

Marty, We're Going Back in Time...

If a scientist were to ever invent a time-travel device, it would need to be a time-and-space travel device in order to be effective. If you were simply traveling through time, and not space, when you activate the device, you would emerge in space, precisely where the Earth was before you traveled in time. Since the Earth rotates and moves at an unbelievably fast rate, you would likely end up dying in the vacuum of space. 

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The More You Know

  • Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.
  • You spend about 10% of the time you're awake blinking.
  • "E" is the most common letter and appears in 11 percent of all english words.
  • The last movie ever rented at a corporate Blockbuster was "This Is The End" at a store in Hawaii.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.