Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

Lone Star

At the end of Lone Star, Sam (Chris Cooper) and Pilar (Elizabeth Peña) finally learn the truth about why Buddy (Matthew McConaughey) and Mercedes (Miriam Colón) were so vehemently opposed to their relationship: the two were secretly half-siblings all along. Despite this, since Pilar cannot bear any more children, the two decide to carry on with their relationship. Yuck.

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The More You Know

  • In the first draft of the Back to the Future screenplay, the time machine wasn't a Delorean, it was a refrigerator.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio did not do the drawing in ‘Titanic’
  • Stanley Kubrick had all the sets and models from the filming of 2001: A Space Odyssey destroyed to prevent a sequel from being made.
  • The cat in "The Godfather" was a stray.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.