Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

Citizen Kane

At the beginning of Citizen Kane, protagonist Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles) dies, his last words being "rosebud." The movie follows a reporter, Thompson (William Alland), who attempts to uncover the mysterious meaning behind Kane's last words. "Rosebud" was the name of Kane's childhood sled, a representation of the innocence that Kane lost when his parents sent him into the city in hopes of making a name for himself.

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The More You Know

  • The Lion King was originally known as King of the Jungle until someone at Disney finally remembered that lions don’t actually live in jungles.
  • The cigarette smoked by Sigourney Weaver in Avatar is completely CGI.
  • The location of Tony Stark’s mansion in Iron Man is the same cliff from Planet of the Apes where the Statue of Liberty is sticking out from the sand.
  • Pixar’s, UP was the first ever animated film and 3D film to open the Cannes Film Festival.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.