Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

Primal Fear

In the final act of Primal Fear, the young and stuttering 19-year-old Aaron (Edward Norton) is not found guilty, but a gut-wrenching twist reveals that Aaron faked his alternate personality and his speech impediment. Even his defense attorney, Martin Vail (Richard Gere), fell for the deception, which left him shaken to the core. When Vail asked if there was ever a "Roy," Aaron replies that "there was never an 'Aaron.'"

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The More You Know

  • During the filming of the movie Titanic, an angry crew member put PCP in James Cameron’s soup, sending him and 50 others to the hospital.
  • During the filming of The Grinch, Jim Carrey sought counseling from a Navy SEAL to learn torture-resistance techniques in order to handle the extensive makeup.
  • The cat in "The Godfather" was a stray.
  • 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only two Disney movies where both parents are present and at least one doesn't die.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.