Life Hacks That Actually Work

Life hacks are hit or miss depending on who you talk to, but these ones are pretty useful! Even if one saves you some time and effort when you're in a pinch, it's worth it. 

No Iron? No Problem

The last thing you think of while traveling is your wrinkly clothes. Obviously, the more delicate fabrics will be wrinkled, and no one wants to see that! Your hotel might not have an iron at the ready, but don't worry, there's a hack for that! Using a simple flat iron will get your clothes looking spic and span. Flat irons are small and sleek enough that you won't even notice them in your luggage. Use the flat iron for collars, sleeves, pockets... Everything! 

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The More You Know

  • Tossed onto a hot grill, fresh onions are great for more than a savory kebab. The pungent bulb can also help clean the grill itself.
  • To make it easy to stow and reuse plastic bags, make a dispenser from a discarded 2-liter soda bottle. Cut off the top and bottom with a razor knife. Then screw the dispenser to a cabinet door or closet wall (or attach with hook-and-loop tape).
  • As trash bags start to fill up, the bag slithers into the bin and you have to dig it out. To keep handled or drawstring trash bags in place, all you need are two medium or large self-adhesive command hooks.
  • Slip PVC pipes over the handles of your pruning shears and tape them in place to extend your reach and clip high branches without a ladder.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.