It’s Time To Recount Your Awkward Office Holiday Party Weirdness!

‘Tis the season for awkward office holiday parties! Not all offices are tight-knit and close. In fact, as some of these tweets will show you, it’s the total opposite. Some people spent their night awkwardly clutching a paper cup filled with either water or a gross mixed drink, while others spent it in a total black-out state. All of these made for some pretty hilarious stories!

Did your office have an open bar? Or, was it just the holiday party in the breakroom fitted with that morning’s coffee…

The best is when you do have that tight office where you can party with everyone and not be awkward about it. Plus, the texts between you and your office best friend are something to laugh at, too.

Let’s hope and pray that this wasn’t you this year…

Whether things got crazy or not, hopefully, your company holiday party was at least memorable! Maybe not as memorable as having your HR rep giving a lap dance, but still. If everything went smoothly, you won’t be remembered as the person who had a bit too much to drink and maybe ended up on the floor for half of the night. There’s nothing worse than next years party when you’re the one everyone calls out from last year…



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