One Twitter user sparked heavy debate amongst its constituents when he questioned the ideal number of towels to own for a household of two. His girlfriend, Anna, thought he was crazy for owning 10 towels.
hello fellow adults. my gf and i have a question… what is the correct amount of towels to own? i said 10 and she looked at me like i was crazy. we have zero frame of reference on the appropriate amount of towels in a household of two.
— abdul (@Advil) February 17, 2019
People decided to weigh in with their opinion on the matter, which seems to differ greatly depending on the individual. Some were liberal in their stances:
My random rule of thumb: Two full sets for each person in the house, plus a full set for each guest you have space for. If you have a dog, you need approximately 100 more.
— Lauren Morrill (@LaurenEMorrill) February 18, 2019
— EJ Willingham (@ejwillingham) February 18, 2019
While others shared their skepticism:
Did a towel write this
— The Other Matt Brown (@MattSBN) February 18, 2019
Exceptionally bad advice. Can’t get over how wasteful this is. I don’t know what sort of towel deprivation in childhood would lead this sort of towel hoarding as an adult.
— Aisha Sultan (@AishaS) February 18, 2019
The rules of towel ownership may be unique depending on the towel owner in question, but it seems as though the general consensus is along the lines of, “infinite.”
The correct amount is, the amount she tells you is the correct amount
You're welcome. Five bucks, please.— Captain Cope (@chillblaine) February 18, 2019
After all, one can never be too prepared.