Hilarious Wrong Number Texts That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Hold Up, Wait a Minute

Nobody needs seven dogs, but everybody wants seven dogs. We think that this anonymous wrong number texter should have been given the opportunity to explain themselves before they were shot down. What if they were able to offer those puppies a better home? Swallow your pride and follow through if you're not a coward. 

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The More You Know

  • You spend about 10% of the time you're awake blinking.
  • It's a tradition in Ireland that if you donated a pint of blood, they give you a pint of Guinness to replace the iron.
  • A solar powered, self-filling water bottle has been invented for bike riders that condenses atmospheric moisture to automatically fill the bottle.
  • A former NASA scientist invented the Super Soaker.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.