The Most Creative and Wacky Ways People Have Quit Their Jobs

Who's the Loser?

If you treated the person who was in charge of the sign wrong, you should probably expect something like this. Also, who was the loser in that situation? Were they hiring losers or were the managers the losers because they had someone quit? This story must go deeper than what's on the sign...

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The More You Know

  • The United States defense budget of $698 billion is more than the next seventeen nations combined.
  • The 100 folds in a chef's hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg.
  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all three major sports teams share the same colors.
  • A U.S. park ranger named Roy C. Sullivan held the record for being struck by lightning the most times, having been struck — and surviving — seven times between 1942 and 1977.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.