Her Maternity Test Came Back Negative and No One Could Figure Out Why

The Gene Ban

This discovery happened years after her death with samples from her DNA and clothing. As a result, all female athletes with a Y-chromosome or an SRY-gene were expelled from competing, just like Dillema. It didn’t stop there…

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The More You Know

  • There is a museum of bad art.
  • Sesame Street is now a real place.
  • During World War 2, a bear named Wotjek joined the Polish army. He carried ammunition and occasionally drank beer.
  • The 442nd Infantry Regiment, a largely Japanese American unit that served during WWII, did so while their families were held in internment camps. Their motto was "Go for Broke" and they were the most decorated unit in U.S. military history.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.