Elderly Man Infuriates the Government Because of His 10,000 Square Foot Doomsday Bunker

It's a Stressful Time

Although Beach has spent nearly half of his life constructing this bunker, it hasn't always been easy to get out of bed every day for this. It's been stressful for him to maintain this bunker on his own, especially as he gets older. The construction of the complex hasn't been easy, which is harsh on Beach's wallet and mental state.

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The More You Know

  • The odds of getting a royal flush are exactly 1 in 649,740.
  • The voices of Mickey and Minnie Mouse got married in real life.
  • Movie popcorn costs more per ounce than Filet Mignon.
  • There are around 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. If you took them all out and laid them end to end, they’d stretch around the world more than twice.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.