Due to Budget Cuts, The San Antonio Department of Arts and Culture Needs Your Help

Artists and art agencies have been impacted disproportionally by the coronavirus lockdown and the downturn of our creative economy. With no governmental assistance on the horizon, the San Antonio Department of Arts and Culture is looking to their supporters to keep them afloat. 

The San Antonio Department of Arts and Culture is a nonprofit organization that manages, funds, books, and conducts events for local artists. The resources that this organization has provided artists throughout the years have jumpstarted careers, pulled artists out of poverty and homelessness, and inspired millions. 

However, the grand program (through independent large profit donors) that this organization is funded by recently cut their assistance by 20 percent. All money that gets donated to this foundation will help offset the cost of operation during this uncertain downtime caused by Covid-19. 

Anything you can contribute will help fund the 27 core nonprofit arts agencies that prove a myriad of resources for both kids and adults that have a leg in the art world. 

“The City of San Antonio recognizes the importance the arts play in our economy, culture, history, and overall quality of life,” stated San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg in an interview with KSAT.com. “The arts provide inspiration, hope, and perspective. By donating to the arts, we help secure the future of a unique asset that makes San Antonio a vibrant, world-class, and cultural city.”

These donations aim to preserve history and assist modern artists in funding/distributing their endeavors.

If you donate $20 or more, you will receive a limited edition Fiesta Medal from the City of San Antonio. That, and you'll be assisting artists in driving the future of the art world forward. 

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Post originally appeared on History Obsessed.