Dog Meets Cat for the First Time and the Internet is Obsessed

Reddit user @Scooter_Dooder shared the hilarious moment their dog met a cat for the first time, and it did not disappoint.

Posted on July 4th, the 50-second long clip shared to the subreddit 'Zoomies,' featured a larger black dog running around a table. Atop the table, sat a large black cat. The dog in question had never seen a cat before and, as seen in the video, the dog could not contain its excitement. 

From the moment the doggo makes eye contact with the cat, the room explodes in excitement and the dog runs around the table losing its little mind about seeing a cat. 

The video has accumulated over 12,500 upvotes and over 150 comments on Reddit. 

Redditors have left some pretty entertaining comments. One person said, “Dog: ‘this table dog looks awesome! Play with me, play with me’ Cat: ‘no’ Dog: ‘now? Play with me now? How about now?’ Cat: ‘no’ Dog: ‘are you sure you’re a dog? I’ll run around and you’ll see how fast I am’” when trying to guess the dialogue between the two creatures.

Another commenter wrote, “Dog: ‘What are you?’ Cat: ‘I’m Cat-man.’”

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.