What Famous TV Commercial Actors Get Paid

Not That Much Cash Honestly

The Swansons only received roughly $50,000 for their involvement in this commercial series. That doesn't even include their likenesses being used on social media, radio, and print ads for Sling TV (yeah, they use all of those too). Offerman agreed to take a smaller wage in order to work with his wife and to assist the Sling TV business, which was failing before their rebranding process started. 

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The More You Know

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  • Ricky Gervais' hit show The Office was so popular that it spawned remakes in over 80 other countries.
  • The singer RM of the Koren pop group BTS learned English in part by watching the sitcom Friends on DVD
  • The remote was invented in 1950
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.