Costco To Implement a "Members Only" Ban On Their Food Court

As if Costco wasn't exclusive enough, you'll now have to flash your membership card in order to eat at the food court. Hailed for their quick, cheap, and arguably very good quality prepared meals, the bulk store will start enforcing this new policy as early as next month.

Though it's possible that this may vary by store, it's likely this will be a nation-wide policy., a financial advice website, released an official statement that said: 

"Effective March 16, 2020, an active Costco membership card will be required to purchase items from our food court." However, local Costcos or a spokesperson for the store itself has yet to release any information. 

Customers have taken to Twitter to discuss whether or not they agree with this new rule. Already-members are in favor because it will cut down on lines in the food court, but non-members feel it's unfair to have to shell out an additional $60 in order to buy something as simple as a slice of pizza. However, some users said their local Costco has enforced this rule for years.

Whether or not this policy will be enforced nation-wide, customers have to show their membership card to even get into the store in the first place, so it won't affect non-members that much. 

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