Celebrity Couples Who Didn't Let an Age Gap Stand In Their Way

Devoted To Faith

Pratt and Schwarzenegger are both devout Christians who are very open with their practice. Pratt "lives boldy in faith" in his marriage and enering into fatherhood for the second time.

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The More You Know

  • In 1978, Tim Allen was arrested for possession of 1.4 pounds of cocaine and was sentenced to three to seven years in jail. He was let out on parole after two years and four months.
  • Plenty of celebrities have strange habits and even phobias but One Direction singer Liam Payne might take the cake: he’s afraid of spoons… specifically used, dirty spoons.
  • Rob Lowe is deaf in his right ear.
  • Elvis Presley was a natural blonde.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.