Celebrities Who Are Actually Insufferable Behind the Scenes

Un-Fun Fieri

Fieri may seem like the kind of guy you'd love to hang out with on set, but apparently, his cheerful demeanor is all an act. Fieri "had ridiculous requests at all hours of the day," demanding his employees work late into the night and refusing to accept plane tickets with airlines he disliked. He would even rearrange shoots to make sure that his hair was properly bleached and coiffed. According to a former staffer on the series, "I don't think anyone actually liked him."

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The More You Know

  • Ashton Kutcher, who has always been a hit with the ladies, has webbed toes, and has revealed them on TV.
  • Steve Jobs became a vegan because he believed it would stop him having body odor, reducing his need to shower.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio has never done drugs and had to speak to a drug expert to prepare for Wolf of Wall Street.
  • Tom Cruise has an asymmetrical face.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.