Buffalo Wild Wings Manager Dies, 13 Hospitalized After Being Exposed to Toxic Fumes from Cleaning Products

A Buffalo Wild Wings manager in Massachusetts passed away on Thursday after being exposed to toxic fumes from a combination of cleaning products in the restaurant's kitchen.

Emergency services rushed manager Michael Patterson to the hospital when they arrived at the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant in Burlington, Massachusetts, and found him in clear distress. Patterson died shortly thereafter.

Patterson was exposed to a toxic chemical combination of cleaning products after another employee poured Super 8 cleaner on the floor. The employee was not aware that an acid-based cleaning agent had previously spilled in the area he was using the Super 8. When he began to scrub, a chemical reaction occurred, and the employee left the kitchen as the smell from the products spread throughout the restaurant. 

Patterson attempted to collect the liquid with a squeegee and move it off the premises, but he eventually succumbed to exposure.

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