Bizarre Mysteries That Remain Unsolved to This Day

The Late Bronze Age Collapse

Sometime around 1200 B.C., the entirety of the Eastern Mediterranean, Anatolia, and Aegean region suddenly collapsed. All cities were destroyed and the Dark Ages began. It is unclear as to what caused the collapse, but evidence points toward a variety of reasons, such as climate change, drought, famine, earthquakes, invasions, and internal rebellions.

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The More You Know

  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
  • Mysterious sand dune holes baffled Indiana for years.
  • If you take all the letters from the word "wizard" and swap them with opposite letters (a->z, b->y), it spells wizard backwards.
  • China owns all the pandas in the world.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.