Bizarre Archaeological Finds That Still Baffle Scientists Today

The Headless Vikings of Dorset

A mass grave in Dorset, England was found in 2009 that had 54 decapitated skeletons. Despite this, there were only 51 heads in the same grave. These individuals are believed to have been Scandanavian Vikings who were executed by Anglo-Saxons around 1000 AD. 

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The More You Know

  • Shakespeare's plays feature the word "love" about 10 times more than the word "hate."
  • The first time Reddit was mentioned in the New York Times, it was described as "foolish collectivism" that "grinds away the Web's edges and saps it of its humanity".
  • The television was invented only two years after the invention of sliced bread.
  • J.K. Rowling became the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. However, she also lost her billionaire status because she donated so much money to charity!
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.