An Unsuspecting Diver Accidentally Discovered Something Lurking at the Bottom of the Ocean

When Brandi Mueller was exploring off the coast of a Pacific island, she never expected to find this.

Under the Sea

Brandi Mueller was always fascinated by nature, travel, and photography.

Brandi’s pursuit of her passions lead not only to an impressive collection of uniquely beautiful underwater photographs, but also the discovery of something that lied much deeper than anyone knew…

A Diver in the Making

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The More You Know

  • Mount Rushmore cost less than $1 million.
  • Warren Buffett has only sent one email in his life. It was sent to Jeff Raikes of Microsoft, and Buffett said it became his first and last email when it ended up in court.
  • The Catholic Church considers the Theory of Evolution to be "virtually certain", and believes that intelligent design "isn't science even though it pretends to be."
  • There's an asteroid that's worth $95.8 trillion.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.