Abandoned cat open eyes after a longtime and dazzles everyone with his stunning eyes

The beautiful cat “Cotton” who is a resident of Florida’s animal friends project an animal care for stray cats and dogs, who couldn’t see anything before due to a parasitic condition can now open eyes and see the world with his dazzling eyes. Cotton was brought to the animal shelter after a home owner saw him outside his home and realized the cat needed his help, so he immediately posted a call for help to the animal shelter on Facebook.

Cotton when brought into the animal care center was immediately taken to the vet, he was dehydrated and malnourished, the eyes of the cat were crusted-over due to the parasitic infection, and he couldn’t see anything before. It was a surprise for the vet and the animal care team that cotton had one blue eye and one yellow eye. Cotton did have a microchip inserted and that showed that he previously had an owner and was abandoned.

Now once sick and dirty cotton is all healthy and doing well, the best part he is free of the skin disease and can open his eyes fully and enjoy the world around him. Cotton can be adopted and could get a new home and an owner, the ideal home for cotton would be a quiet one with no little children, as cotton is very friendly and seeks a lot of attention.

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