A Mini-Submarine Discovers Classified Canadian Technology at the Bottom of Lake Ontario

The Planning Stage

With all its funding secured, this project could not fail. The largest problem that they faced was the potential of not finding anything, or the object being too large or too dangerous to hoist up. This was essentially like buying a lottery ticket, there was no predetermined outcome and no way of telling what the odds were that this was a profitable or historic artifact. That was the case until the team started doing research about the history of the area…

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The More You Know

  • The woolly mammoth survived until Egyptian times.
  • Following the release of Rocky IV, a joke was making rounds in Hollywood. Since Rocky had run out of opponents, he would have to fight an alien if a fifth movie was made. Jim and John Thomas took the joke seriously and wrote a screenplay based on it, which later became the movie "Predator".
  • Your dog knows when someone isn't trustworthy.
  • A German and British aeroplane shot each other down in Norway during WWII. The crew met and helped each other survive. Two of them later visited each other many years after the war was over as friends.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.