A Farmer Got Revenge After People Kept Illegally Parking On His Land

This farmer was done trying to be the nice guy. After tirelessly asking people to stop parking on his land that'd he worked day in and day out to care for, he decided to really take matters into his own hands. The revenge he got was well deserved...

Davao Bedekovic's Farm

Davao Bedekovic ran an enormous farm all on his own. He depended on the mineral-rich land for his livelihood and worked day and night to keep his farm thriving. However, he ran into a business-threatening problem once a week...

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The More You Know

  • In 1966 and 1967, soldiers testing Agent Orange in Canada were told the chemical was completely safe and sprayed it on each other to cool off.
  • The Catholic Church considers the Theory of Evolution to be "virtually certain", and believes that intelligent design "isn't science even though it pretends to be."
  • The word "kimono" means "a thing to wear."
  • The shortest scientific –ology word is "oology."
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.