50 Ways Happier, Healthier and More Successful People Live Their Lives Differently

33. Buy a small space instead of renting

Unless you live in a big city, there’s just no way you should be spending the majority of your income on rent each month. Instead, buy a home. Sure, you may be “forced” to buy something smaller, but just look at the big picture. In a few years, you’d probably be able to pay it off, and be able to pass it on to your children. Or, if you’re much more successful then, you can sell or flip it so you can buy yourself a much bigger home. Regardless, buying a home is simply just a much better option compared to renting.

By buying a house, every payment you make to your mortgage is considered savings, because houses rarely decrease in value over time.This is unlike when you’re renting and putting hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars into someone else’s pockets every month.

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