"Joker" Was Based On This True Story of an Unhinged Man

Life Abroad

Joaquin lived a life abroad and on the seas. Traveling with parents John Lee and Arlyn, as well as his four other siblings, Joaquin Phoenix grew up visiting everywhere within South America with the aforementioned Children of God. Eventually, in 1978, his parents became bored with the religion and returned to America on a cargo ship.

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The More You Know

  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
  • Four times more people speak English as a second language than as a native one.
  • The first pieces of gold at Fort Knox arrived by mail.
  • Scorpions are incredibly resilient: scientists have frozen scorpions overnight, left them in the sun the following day, and when thawed, the arthropod walked away unscathed.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.